Curriculum Vitae [PDF]
Tiago Tavares
Full Name: Tiago Gomes da Silva Tavares
Contact: Departamento de Economía, ITAM - CIE, Av Sta Teresa, n930; Mexico City, DF 10700, Mexico
Citizenship: Portugal
University of Rochester, USA
Ph.D., Economics, 2015.
M.A., Economics, 2011.
Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal
M.A., Economics, 2009.
B.S., Summa Cum Laude, Economics, 2007.
Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Study Abroad, 2006.
Academic Employment
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, ITAM-CIE, August 2015 - present
Research Fields
Sovereign Default, Firms Dynamics, International Macroeconomics, Macroeconomics, Financial Crises, Covid-19 Economics
“Investment slumps during financial crises: The real effects of credit supply”, July 2022, Journal of Financial Economics, vol 145(1), Tiago Tavares joint with Alexandros Fakos and Plutarchos Sakellaris
“Information and behavioral responses during a pandemic: Evidence from delays in Covid-19 death reports”, January 2022, Journal of Development Economics, vol 154, Tiago Tavares joint with Emilio Gutierrez and Adrian Rubli
“Labor Market Distortions under International Financial Crisis”, November 2019, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol 108, Tiago Tavares
Working Papers
“The Role of International Reserves in Sovereign Debt Restructuring under Fiscal Adjustment”, 2023, Tiago Tavares (working paper, Reject and Resubmit at the Journal of International Economics)
"Informality, Tax Distortions, and the Cyclicality of Fiscal Policy", 2023, Tiago Tavares joint with Carlos Urrutia (working paper)
"Competition for Managers and the Rise of the Skill Premium", 2023, Tiago Tavares joint with Kaniska Dam and Tridib Sharma (working paper, Submitted)
“Delays in Death Reports and their Implications for Tracking the Evolution of COVID-19”, 2020, Tiago Tavares joint with Emilio Gutierrez and Adrian Rubli, in Covid Economics (CEPR) 1(34): 116-144 (working paper)
“Heterogeneous Investment Dynamics of Manufacturing Firms”, 2017, Tiago Tavares joint with Alexandros Fakos, (working paper)
“Noisy information About the Trend and Sovereign Default Risk”, 2016, Tiago Tavares (work in progress).
Talks and Conferences
2024: Search and Matching in Labor, Monetary, and Financial Economics (presenter at conference); Catolica Lisbon School of Business and Economics (talk)
2023: 1st Notre Dame-ITAM PODER Mini-Conference (presenter at conference, paper discussant); Stockman, URochester (presenter at conference); Fall 2023 Midwest Macroeconomics Meetings (presenter at conference);
2022: FGV-EPGE in Rio de Janeiro (talk); 10o Encontro Luso-Brasileiro de Macroeconomia (presenter at conference, paper discussant); Facultade de Ciencias Economicas e Empresariais de Vigo - Ecobas (talk); 15th Annual Meet- ing of the PEJ (presenter at conference); Itam-PIER conference on Macro-Finance 2022 (organizer)
2021: Itam-PIER conference on Macro-Finance 2021 (organizer); 2nd International Macro/Finance and sovereign debt workshop at Sogang University (paper discussant); Sovereign Debt Workshop at the IMF (talk)
2019: GIC/Drexel LeBow “Sovereign Debt Distress” (paper discussant), Philadelphia February 2018; Athens University of Economics and Business (talk); 12th Meeting of the Portuguese Economic Journal (presenter at conference); St. Louis Fed (talk/visiting); Stockman, URochester (presenter at conference);
2018: SED, Mexico City (presenter at conference), LAMES 2018, Guayaquil (presenter at conference); Stockman, URochester (presenter at conference); Rochester Conference in Macro and International Economics 2018 (presenter at conference); NBER-EFG Research Meeting October 2018 (participant)
2017: Univ. Iberoamericana (talk); 17th SAET, Faro (presenter at conference); SED, Edinburg (presenter at conference); 10th Meeting of the Portuguese Economic Journal (presenter at conference); Stockman, URochester (presenter at conference)
2016: XXI Macro Workshop, Vigo (presenter at conference); 9th Meeting of the Portuguese Economic Journal (presenter at conference); 22nd Computing in Economics and Finance (presenter at conference); Stockman, URochester (presenter at conference); Banco de Mexico (talk);
2015: University of Rochester (talk); CESifo-Delphi, Athens (presenter at conference); ITAM-PIER Macroeconomics, UPenn (presenter at conference); Stockman, URochester (presenter at conference); Banco de Mexico (talk)
Paper discussions
"Mind the gaps: Gender complementarities in migration and FDI" , Federico Carril-Caccia, Ana Cuadros, and Jordi Paniagua, 1st Notre Dame-ITAM PODER Mini-Conference (2023)
"Heterogeneous Beliefs and Business Cycles ", Saki Bigio, Dejanir Silva, and Eduardo Zilberman , 10o Encontro Luso-Brasileiro de Macroeconomia (2022)
"Trade Collapses and Sovereign Debt Restructurings: Does a Market-Friendly Approach Improve the Outcome?" Tamon Asonuma, Marcos Chamon, and Akira Sasahara (2021), 2nd International Macro/Finance and Sovereign Debt Workshop in East Asia (2021)
"Official Sector Lending Strategies During the Euro Area Crisis" Giancarlos Corsetti, Aitor Erce, and Timothy Uy, GIC/LeBow College - Sovereign Debt Restructuring Conference (2019)
International Economic Review; Journal of International Economics; Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control; American Economic Journal: Economic Policy; Journal of Financial Research; IMF Economic Review; Latin American Economic Review
Teaching Experience
Main Instructor for Master Level Courses:
Research seminar - data analysis, 2020
Main Instructor for Undergraduate Level Courses:
International Macro, 2024
International Trade, 2015-2024
Economic Statistics (ECO 230), Summer 2014.
Intermediate Macroeconomics (ECO 209), Summer 2013.
Teaching Assistant for Undergraduate Level Courses:
Intermediate Microeconomics (ECO 207), Fall 2011 and 2014.
Public Finance (ECO 263), Spring 2014.
Intermediate Macroeconomics (ECO 209), Fall 2013.
Economic Statistics (ECO 230), Spring 2012 and 2013.
Econometrics (ECO 231), Fall 2012.
Fellowships, Scholarships, and Awards
Graduate Fellowship and Tuition Scholarship, University of Rochester, 2012-2014.
Fulbright Scholarship 2009-2011.
Honors Tuition Scholarship Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 2003-2008.
Computer Skills
C, Fortran, Julia, Mathematica, MATLAB, OpenMP, MPI, SPSS, Stata, AWS-EC2, OpenACC.
English, Spanish (fluent)
Portuguese (native)
French (basic)