International Economics (Spring 2016 - ITAM)
- Syllabus
- Online class on International Trade by Professor Ronald W. Jones: 1,2,3,4
- Other media: Charlie Rose's debate about NAFTA with James Goldsmith and Laura Tyson; Paul Krugman Prize Lecture; Russ Roberts on Smith, Ricardo, and Trade; Uber drivers efficiency - Cramer and Krueger 2016
- Readings
- Class 1: Introduction to international trade and static optimization [handout 1]
- Class 2: Simple trade model and the Ricardian model [handout 2; KOM2012-chp3]
- Class 3: Implications and extensions of the Ricardian model [handout 3; KOM2012-chp3; F2003-chp1]
- Class 4: The specific factors model [handout 4; KOM2012-chp4; F2003 - chp3]
- Class 5: The Heckscher-Ohlin model [handout 4; handout 5; F2003 - chp2; KOM2012-chp5]
- Class 6: The Armington model and gravity equations; empirical evidence on trade models [handout 6; handout 7; Armington matlab code; KOM2012-chp2]
- Class 7: Review session for the midterm [review topics; additional exercises]
- Class 8: Midterm
- Class 9: Solution for the midterm [Monday; Wednesday]; world intra-industry trade and motivation for a new trade theory [handout 8; KOM2012-Chapter 7; F2003-chp 5; Krugman Prize Lecture]
- Class 10: The Krugman model [handout 9; KOM2012-Chapter 7; F2003-chp5]
- Class 11: Extensions of the Krugman model [handout 10; KOM2012-Chapter 7; F2003-chp5]
- Class 12: Firm level heterogeneity and the Melitz model [handout 11; KOM2012 - chp 7,8]
- Class 13: Firm level heterogeneity and the Melitz model (cont) [handout 11; KOM2012 - chp 7,8]
- Class 14: Trade policy and international trade institutions [handout 12; KOM2012 - chp 9,10]
- Class 15: Introduction to international finance [handout 13; KOM2012 - chp 13,14]
- Class 16: Review session for the exam [review topics; additional exercises, additional exercises sol]
- Practice exercises: practice assignment 1; practice assignment 2; practice assignment 3; practice assignment 4; practice assignment 5
- Practice midterms: practice midterm 1; practice midterm 2; practice final 1; practice final 2
- Assignments: assignment 1; assignment 2 (due on 8th of May - either hard copy or by email - groups of up to 4 students)
- Grades: midterm Monday; midterm Wednesday; assignment 1; final exam; assignment 2; final weight; final grade letter